Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas is coming!!

So Christmas has been in full swing for a couple of weeks here and Cameren couldn't be more excited about it. In previous years he kinda understood what was going on but never got too excited about it because he didn't really have many other kids around to show him that it is indeed a HUGE deal. Well since starting Kindergarten he has really gotten to know the holidays with all the activities and crafts (that I tried to get him to do when he was younger but he wanted nothing to do with) This year he had me put up our extra tree in his room and he got to decorate the whole thing himself including the star (I'll have to get a finished pic to put up)
The best thing about this year is he gets to teach his little sister about Christmas.

 She LOVES the trees! I love this pic

Here they both are together ♥ So cute!!
 Cam drew out his Christmas list, addressed it and mailed it out at the local mall. 
We were looking for the big red mail box that they usually have out (the one that when you put in a letter they make a donation) This mall didn't have it :(
Ella got her first Christmas outfit I searched for weeks to find the perfect dress that would match her bow  (I'm such a sucker for bows)
 And here's a look at our indoor setup. Pretty cute :)
 And our outdoor setup. I know it's a little bland but at least we have the lights thanks to my Neighbors :) they said we looked like the scrooges so they put them up for me Since DH was on call and working constantly that week. There so wonderful!!! Next year I'll do a little more :) Happy Holidays everyone!!!