Monday, October 19, 2009

We went to go pick out pumpkins and Cam had a blast climbing all over the pumpkins trying to find that perfect one. He wanted to get all small ones but we only got 2 real small ones. He has already named them Mommy, Daddy, and Cameren. He plays with them and re arranges them all the time. We just need to carve them......

Monday, April 20, 2009

Late birthday entry

We thought that we wouldn't be able to give cam a birthday party this year but we were very fortunate. It was great! On his birthday we went to Chucky Cheeses for the first time and split the cost with a friend. He loved it, but it was so packed it was unbelievable. Here are some of the picks.

The day after we went to the park and had a little party for him on only $50. It was really fun and relaxing. Here are those pics.
I made everything this cookie cake only cost $6
We got his Spiderman bike at Walmart for only $40 because it was in the wrong place, Awesome!!
I made the pinata for only $4! It only cost that much because I had to buy more than one balloon
It was fun making it. I think I'll make one every year, maybe he can help me from now on.
And his presents, well obviously we didn't have to buy those, lol. But he loved all of them. Especailly the Dinosaurs!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Marker Happy

This happened a few weeks ago but it's funny. I think the camera was set for the wrong date because the pink paint on his shirt was from makeing daddy a valentine card the week before. NEWay, Heather showed Cameren that his markers are washable and they went to town. These are just a couple of the drawings they did. They had alot of fun and I hope it doesn't happen again for a while it was so messy, and we had a hard time trying to keep up with the lids.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


He's going to hate me for this later , But I had to take a pic. of it. LOL He's always wanting to do things that everyone else is doing. Including wearing everything he can find. Pretty cute and funny huh.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

No more mama

Ok this pic was taken a few months ago but just the other day I went with him to the potty, and for the first time he didn't want me in their with him. He has learned how to wipe his own butt, and most of the time he gets it all. It's amazing how fast he has grown. Just 4 months ago he wasn't even potty trained.