Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas is coming!!

So Christmas has been in full swing for a couple of weeks here and Cameren couldn't be more excited about it. In previous years he kinda understood what was going on but never got too excited about it because he didn't really have many other kids around to show him that it is indeed a HUGE deal. Well since starting Kindergarten he has really gotten to know the holidays with all the activities and crafts (that I tried to get him to do when he was younger but he wanted nothing to do with) This year he had me put up our extra tree in his room and he got to decorate the whole thing himself including the star (I'll have to get a finished pic to put up)
The best thing about this year is he gets to teach his little sister about Christmas.

 She LOVES the trees! I love this pic

Here they both are together ♥ So cute!!
 Cam drew out his Christmas list, addressed it and mailed it out at the local mall. 
We were looking for the big red mail box that they usually have out (the one that when you put in a letter they make a donation) This mall didn't have it :(
Ella got her first Christmas outfit I searched for weeks to find the perfect dress that would match her bow  (I'm such a sucker for bows)
 And here's a look at our indoor setup. Pretty cute :)
 And our outdoor setup. I know it's a little bland but at least we have the lights thanks to my Neighbors :) they said we looked like the scrooges so they put them up for me Since DH was on call and working constantly that week. There so wonderful!!! Next year I'll do a little more :) Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sitting up!

Ella is now sitting up!
 This started a little over a week ago but I didn't want to jinx it by saying anything because then she started rolling over I got all excited and let everyone know then she stopped and only does it on rare occasions... But she loves to be vertical! I'm so happy for her!
 Cam tries to have her "ride" things now lol This is him having her ride his giraffe pillow pet. So cute :)
She's also gotten very handsy she loves to touch anything and everything, especially phones (UH OH!!) This is her trying to get my niece Heathers phone
I guess it's time to teach her about phone bills lol :)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Time for school, and ear piercing!

First day of school!
Yesterday was Cameren's first day of Kindergarten. He was so excited to make new friends and have fun learning, and meet his teacher (again b/c he already met her at meet the teacher night a couple days before). He was a little upset about having to wake up so early "Mama it's still night time!" and "Do I bring my toothbrush and pillow to go back to sleep at school" lol nope.
This was his first lunch that I got to make him, I know not anything extravagant like some of these cool ones you see around the net now a days, but sufficient and what he wanted. I mean it his first day why not give him what he wants? Although most of it did come back and he finished it after school. Also he learned a very good lesson about lunch. He drank all of his juice and was still thirsty so like all the other kids he wanted some milk, well he didn't know that you have to pay for them so he just went up there and got one for himself without paying!!! Evidently the teacher saw him but he got to drink it anyway?! Well when he got home the teacher let me know about it and I apologised and talked to him about it. I honestly don't think he knew it was stealing because he was very remorseful and started crying. So I sent him to school today with $1 to pay for the milk and to apologize.

This is his teacher Mrs. Saliano, It's her second year teaching and is very sweet. Cam came home so happy and already knowing more than he did the day before :) He recited the days of the week and a couple songs that they had sang in class. I don't know if any of you have ever googled your kids teacher before but I did and I have to say I like what I see. She's very creative and very articulate. Some of her stories are online and crafts. I ♥ the web lol. Honestly I can't wait to get to know her better. Oh ya, and did I mention Cam thinks she beautiful?? lol He's already got a crush ♥
 This is his seat for the year. He's happy with it he says he sits at the head of the table now like daddy does.
 This is his first name badge! He was very happy to see his name spelled right. Mrs Saliano accidentally spelled it wrong on the table (she spelled it like it would normally be spelled so no fault on her)

 Ms. Ella was very unsuspecting of anything. She was her normal happy self enjoying the day out. Poor thing had no idea that we were going to pierce those beautiful itty bitty ears.
 I had to hold her head very still even though she did beautifully every time I held her she stayed perfectly still.
 Until the pain kicked in but after a minute of crying she was better and held still for the next one.
 Then cried and cried until she got some milk, then she was all better and took a nap. I gave her some ibuprofen 20min. before we started so that they wouldn't hurt for long.

See she's all better and back to her happy self. Cuteness!

Friday, July 29, 2011

More splashing fun!

We  went to the splash pad again yesterday (can't get enough of free fun!)  And thanks to my niece Heather Ella got to get in for the first time!
She absolutely loved it! I know it doesn't really look like it in the pics but she totally did! She was holding her tongue out so it would get wet and sucking on her fingers ♥ She even got mad when the water stopped (you have to push a button to make it go for 15min. so it doesn't run with out anyone being there)
Cam did a lot to get and keep her wet

And a whole lot of splashing himself
Heather is such a great girl (when she wants to be lol) She loves my kids and is sooo good with them. I'm so blessed to have her around
Silly little girl was so worn out within 2 hours she zonked right out
Lunch time!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Word building

Ok so Cam will be starting Kindergarten in a few weeks so I thought I would try to come up with more learning games for him I came across this diy-spinny-spellers I couldn't make them exactly like she did but I just used tape and wrote on that
 I used the mega blocks that he doesn't really play with much anymore
 of course he had to spell some big words (not by himself) but he asked how it was spelled so I helped him. He sounded each letter out then found the letter and put it together
We did this with all of his words. He was super happy when he learned he knew the word without having to sound them out (Rat, Cat, and Bat)

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Trains & Diamonds

Ok so we bought Cam this insanely HUGE set of trains a few years back (yes we went a little crazy) and he played his little heart out for a long while with them. Well they sat in tubs for so long that I ended up giving some of them to my cousins boys. Then he played with them for a little bit then they sat again.... Well I was just thinking of putting them up on Craigslist today (Didn't say anything just thought of it) Well this is what ended up being the thing to play with today :-P He played with them ALL DAY LONG adding pieces and moving things around to make it "AWESOME!" lol Just when you think your kids have out grown something they bring it back out and make it new :)

And yes I know he's going to kill me later when he finds out that I put him on the Internet in his skivvies

And Ella has been having a rough 2 days not sure if she's teething or not but she's only happy when she's chewing or sleeping other than that she's crying constantly. Poor thing, I'll be taking her into see the Pedi in the morning to make sure it's not an ear infection or somethingThis is her favorite chew toy, Her diamond ring. Hey she's got good taste :P

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Splash pad fun

You'll have to excuse the horrible cell phone pics, but I left the house without my dang camera. I wanted to document Ella's first time in a swim suit though
Isn't it sweet?! She makes it even cuter though ;) As you can see this is how she "plays" with her friend Rendon. Nothing much to it at this point in her life just a lot of fist chewing lol. She'll catch up to him a little later.
And you can't forget about Cam!! Wish I had gotten more pics of him but my phone has a delay and all the pics I tried to get of him didn't turn out :/ He had a lot of fun though after he finally decided to get wet. Any other place I can't keep him dry but this splash pad he likes to keep dry??? Silly kid.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Update on the kids

I haven't posted here in A LONG TIME! I know obviously ;) But I'm going to try to keep it up now. My son has done a lot of growing since I last posted about him.See! Crazy huh? lol

He's 5 now and thinks he's grown :) I love every crazy moment we have had and look forward to many, many more

On another note Tim and I had another baby. Her name is Ella. She's 2 weeks off from being 5 yrs. younger than Cameren and I'm sure she will drive him CRAZY lol. But for now he loves her. From the beginning he has been such a big helper and loves being around her
Ever since he first laid eyes on her they have been inseparable. Yes he's holding her hands on her first car ride. "So she won't be scared"He pushes her in the swing, and feeds her quite a bit (even now)He loves to help out with her bath timeand yes he makes sure she's around when we read. He says "We're a family and that's what families do"I think he's proud of being a big brother, and I'm really proud of how he's handled itAlso Daddy's one proud papa. You can literally see him light up when he comes home from work and Cameren runs to him yelling "Daddies home!" then scooping up both his kiddos and finding a comfy spot to have his family time This is cousin Amber. She was a HUGH help during my pregnancy! And I thank her so much!!This is Aunt Cindy And Pawpaw Pledger And Aunt VickieGrandma Villegasand Cousin Christy I know I got more pics of everyone holding Ella but for some reason there not on this computer???