Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pealing Crayons

Ok so you would think that this would be super simple. I mean we all had it down pat when we were kids right? Um.... No! It's a big pain when you sit down to peal 64 crayons 1 piece at a time. 
 See there's also too much mess

So I started thinking of easier ways. Lucky for me my first thought was easy enough! 
What you'll need is a sharp pairing knife and your crayons 
**Note try to keep your fingers BEHIND the blade while cutting**
With your knife upside down (blade facing up) run it the length if the crayon just under the paper  next to the seam (it's the only place that the paper is a single layer) 
 And it should pop right off :)

 UNLESS you get this bad boy... The crayon above (and most crayons) the paper folds to the left but there are a few that fold to the right. These SUCK! (Thanks Crayola!) 
 For some goofball reason these have glue all over the crayon so there a pain to peal

 See the difference the one on the left folded right and the one on the right folded left (really should have switched them when taking the pic, sorry!! )

Here you can see that most of them were easy removal YA!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lego Crayon FAIL

So Cam has asked for a Lego themed birthday party this year and even though his party is 2 weeks after Ella's it requires more "do it yourself" prep than Ella's so I'm starting it early (a little over a month) that way I'm not too over whelmed all at once. I was going to order some cute Lego crayons and chocolate off of Etsy but the price was adding up quick!! So my Dh suggested I just get the molds and make them myself so I did! I got these from shescrafty10's shop for $19.95. They came so fast! (seriously a great seller!)
They are great quality. Super sturdy but flexible

Anyway I went to the store and just got a small box of crayons to test. 
 I DO NOT recommend these if your going to melt them. They color well in original form, but when you melt them....
 They separate... All the color goes to the bottom and the wax floats.  
 See the color at the bottom
They're cute though
 See the separation 
 Also If your going to make the bricks you need 3 of each color to make a good brick. If not this is what you end up with... 
 Now with the Lego men you only need 1 crayon  but when popping it out of the mold go feet first! You'll break off the head otherwise 
Also If you want the head to be a different color.... it's not going to happen, sorry 

I'll post again when I can try another brand :)