Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pealing Crayons

Ok so you would think that this would be super simple. I mean we all had it down pat when we were kids right? Um.... No! It's a big pain when you sit down to peal 64 crayons 1 piece at a time. 
 See there's also too much mess

So I started thinking of easier ways. Lucky for me my first thought was easy enough! 
What you'll need is a sharp pairing knife and your crayons 
**Note try to keep your fingers BEHIND the blade while cutting**
With your knife upside down (blade facing up) run it the length if the crayon just under the paper  next to the seam (it's the only place that the paper is a single layer) 
 And it should pop right off :)

 UNLESS you get this bad boy... The crayon above (and most crayons) the paper folds to the left but there are a few that fold to the right. These SUCK! (Thanks Crayola!) 
 For some goofball reason these have glue all over the crayon so there a pain to peal

 See the difference the one on the left folded right and the one on the right folded left (really should have switched them when taking the pic, sorry!! )

Here you can see that most of them were easy removal YA!

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